Vivoblu Water Filters
We love Vivoblu’s CORE Family filter system and have been using it for several years both in the Peruvian jungle where it’s hard to find uncontaminated water, and in Abaco, The Bahamas, where the water supply was seriously compromised after the island was devastated by hurricane Dorian in 2019.
Seriously, this is the most adaptable and reliable portable water filter out there, enabling you to turn any freshwater source into clean, safe drinking water. Here are some headlines to geek out on… or feel free to skip down to the practicalities!
• The filter is easily cleaned by hand with no need for tools or backwashing.
• The system was invented initially to be used in India… and if it’s effective there, it’s effective anywhere!
• The 0.1 micron filter removes 99.99999% of contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, and microplastics.
• This one filter can sustain the clean water needs of 20 people for over 3 years of use.
Impressive, right? OK… time to get filtering!
There are 4 different ways you can use your Vivoblu filter:
Double Bucket
Water Backpack
Direct “straw”
Single Bucket
Couple of important things to note:
Discard the first liter of filtered water. It’s safe to drink but it’ll taste funny due to the filter having been stored dry for any length of time.
If using regularly (at least once per week), keep your filter wet between uses. If you let it dry out, follow the rule above by discarding the first liter of filtered water.
Don’t use your filter with seawater or with water that contains chemicals (eg. close to large agricultural operations or from ornamental lakes/ponds, etc).
Don’t allow your filter to freeze.
How to care for your Vivoblu filter:
Your filter is so simple to maintain. To rinse and clean the filter, it’s as easy as removing the Vivoblu shield and vigorously shaking the filter in water. Get this: You can even rinse the filter in dirty water if that’s all you have available!
We recommend you rinse the filter whenever you experience a slower flow rate. This is an indication that the filter isn’t performing at its maximum capacity and needs cleaning.
Step 1
Twist off the Vivoblu shield to expose the inner filter core.
Step 2
DON’T unscrew the filter cartridge or disconnect the tubing – both of these will cause contamination.
Step 3
Shake or rinse the filter vigorously in water (yes, even your dirty water!) until the fibers look clean, approx 20 seconds.
Step 4
Twist the shield back onto the base and you’re good to go!