Give. Love. Repeat.

We know that when you GIVE your time, talents and treasures to those less privileged, you’ll fall in LOVE with those you’re investing in… and, as a result, you’ll want to REPEAT what’s working and continue pouring into those you’ve come to admire… watching their lives transform before your very eyes, and being part of their journey as they grow into the leaders and difference makers God created them to be.

How do we know this? Because we’ve been there. We’ve experienced the rush that comes from giving out of our plenty to those who have less, the reward that comes from building friendships with those who seem different from us, and the reality that it’s way more fulfilling to give than it is to receive.

So, you wanna know how you can start a new legacy today? Read on!
[SPOILER ALERT: It’s not just about giving money!]


Give your time

Time is the one thing each of us has the same amount of. What we do with it, however, is a whole other conversation!

If you’re able to invest a week of your time into joining us on a trip, you won’t regret it. You’ll return home exhausted and exhilarated, challenged and changed, having had your heart broken and then loved back together again, desperate to go back and reconnect with the people you’ve poured into.

Does that sound like something you’d enjoy? If so, we’d love to have you on the team!


Give your talents

Each one of us is created by God with specific gifts, talents and purposes, individually playing a role in making this world a better place.

What’s your talent? Are you skilled in electrical, plumbing or construction work? Do you have any medical qualifications? Does working or playing with children bring you joy? … or maybe you love to play sports with teens? Are you passionate about telling stories through photography or video? Do you enjoy fundraising? … or using social media to raise awareness of others’ needs? Are you a business leader or a ministry leader who loves to pour into other aspiring leaders? Do you simply like to travel and get to know the locals?

Whatever your areas of passion or fields of expertise - whether you’re young or more seasoned, introverted or extroverted, faith-driven or not - there’s always a place for you on our teams!


Give your treasures

Not many of us enjoy talking about money… even fewer of us enjoy asking for money! But the reality is that it takes finances as well as time and skills to make life change happen in a lasting way. For this reason, we’ve tried to make it as simple as possible for anyone who’d like to donate to The Liquid Legacy.

Whether you’re able to give on a regular basis or as a one-off, we’re incredibly grateful.