Medical Missions

In the jungle regions of Peru, there are very few options for healthcare. Villagers often have to make a multi-day journey by boat, navigating the maze-like river systems to a city such as Pucallpa. Even for those in the city, care is expensive and basic. And with limited access to safe drinking water, it’s no wonder that parasites, infections, and other water-related diseases make up approximately 80% of the health issues faced by Peruvians… both rural and otherwise.

For this reason, we include safe water training along with every medical team. This allows us to not only meet the people’s immediate medical needs, but we’re also able to help reduce further illnesses.

A typical day on a Medical Mission trip starts by setting up a clinic at a new location each day.  Translators are provided, and over the course of a day, the team will see several hundred patients,  each of whom receives an assessment and an offer of prayer. An assessment can reveal things such as dehydration, infections, parasites, arthritis, or even cancer. With the use of a mobile pharmacy, the goal is to offer relief where we can to those struggling with health issues and educate them on how to prevent future occurrences. In addition, dental teams carry out extractions and cleanings to those who show up with dental needs. 

The days can feel pretty intense… but it’s worth it when you experience the big smiles and suffocating hugs of gratitude when someone feels not only the relief from whatever was ailing them, but also the depth of dignity being restored to them by a simple act of care and concern.

Whether you’re a medical professional, a dental professional, or a medical/dental student, we’re holding a place for you on the team!